Home Automation.

High-end Home Automation Services In Washington D.C

From your mobile device while at home or away you can view surveillance cameras, unlock the door if your child forgets the key, or set the temperature. Smart home technology adds convenience, comfort, and peace of mind. It’s pretty cool too! With our smart home automation, you’ll be able to enjoy the convenience of technology while maintaining your security.

Nick Connection LLC provides end-to-end solutions for Home Automation systems, across multiple segments like lighting, security, cameras, and audio/video systems. As the connected device ecosystem expands, IoT enterprises face challenges in ensuring scalability, interoperability, connectivity, compatibility, and security of devices and networks. With strong expertise and in-depth knowledge of connectivity protocols and industry standards, Nick Connection LLC provides foundational technologies that forge solutions for addressing the connectivity and interoperability challenges and advance the progress towards providing a truly integrated home automation experience.